A simple way to get out cotton wool bud from the ear
Original text in Russian
If a cotton wool bud is stuck in the ear (for example, from a cotton swab), then it can be difficult and painful to remove with tweezers - an original way of solving this problem is offered.
Attention! If there is an opportunity to get qualified medical help - contact a doctor!
This method is designed for those who can not get medical help or who have been tortured by vain medical attempts to remove cotton wool with tweezers or wash it with a stream of water.
This method requires accuracy and control: take your time - you have many attempts and everything will turn out.
Warning: if you are shaking hands, the method will not fit!
Preparation of tools:
- We take another whole cotton swab ("like cures like") and cut off the wadded ends with a knife - we get a rigid tube-stick.
- At the end of the tube-stick we make two spiral incisions as shown in the figure.
- We attach the tube-stick to any other flexible tube (for example, from the dropper) - a design must be obtained through which it is possible to suck in air freely.
Stages of removing cotton wool from the ear:
- Bury in the ear ear drops (preferably on an oily basis): this will allow the cotton wool to suck in better to the hook
(Again, if they tried to wash cotton wool with water and it has already dried to the ear, then the drops will soak it and peel off from the ear)
- Flexible coarse we take in the mouth, and the hard part is gently inserted into the ear before touching the cotton wool
- We suck in the air through the flexible tubing so that the fleece will at least slightly adhere to the end of the tube with notches
- Rotate the tube-stick so that the notches are hooked on the cotton wool
- We pull out the tube-stick together with cotton wool. All!
Scheme removal of cotton wool bud from the ear:
Real form of the instrument:
Strongly enlarged view of notches on end

This method has helped me spread this stuff in hopes to help other sufferers with cotton wool in your ears!